Design system


How we release new versions

Table of Contents


  • Bug fixes are released in the form of a patch release. This is the most frequent release type. A patch release is a release that fixes a bug in a token or a component (design or in code). We ship patches on a weekly basis. For example, "1.0.1" is the first patch release.

  • Feature releases are released in the form of a minor release. This is the second most frequent release type. A minor release is a release that adds to our tokens or components (brand new components, tokens too) (design or in code). We ship minor releases on a monthly basis. For example, "1.1.0" is the first minor release.

  • Major releases are releases that add new features to the platform. We ship major releases on a quarterly basis. For example, "2.0.0" is the first major release.

Components are released batches but only components with full documentation are fully supported. Any other components that are released in the batch without docs will be consider in draft and will be indicated on the doc site as draft. Those will not be fully supported until official release.